Relationships don’t have to be as hard as the internet is making it out to be, when you learn how to “be” in the relationship!
You can even start seeing changes today!
INTRODUCING… THE RAMP your Relationship Guide to Self-Coaching and Emotional Regulation In a Personal Relationship.

We all have triggers of some kind that can lead to disagreements, disconnection and sometimes even divorce. But what if you knew the underlying reasons for those triggers, subsequent emotions and reactive behaviour that comes between you and the person you fell in love with?
And it’s not the situation, the person OR the emotions!
When you know: how to self-regulate and self-coach, why you have the reactions you do, and how to stay calm and keep your wits about you when your partner seems to be pressing every button you know of, and a few you didn’t, you can find some inner peace and be able to give yourself a pat on the back for doing a good job. At least for one day!
This ebook is based on my other book, BE, which covers the BE Elements for understanding emotions, triggers, and behaviour, and the RAMP-IT Framework, which covers how to be the person who sets themselves up for more successes than setbacks.
Written specifically for all people in a monogamous relationship, this ebook covers a lot about who you can be and how you can learn to respond as a partner. This is not a book about reactionary tactics, or why you should have certain emotions when your partner doesn’t do as they are asked. This is practical guidance on who you can be, starting today, so you can be that calm, rational, happy person you know is inside you somewhere. And yes, this goes for both partners!!
I mean, seriously, do you WANT to be reactive, or overly emotional, or frustrated, or feel the need to prove yourself or get defensive? What if you don’t have to? What if you’re able to take in what’s happening around you without feeling the need, right, or instinct to react?
This is a book that helps you become the person you want to be. The person your partner will respond to instead of react to, and the person who gets more done because you are spending less time worrying about how to react, and can spend more time be-ing: calm, in control of yourself, and clear on who you want and need to be.
Coming from someone (me) who failed spectacularly as a partner in many situations, but not all of them, this is real-world self-coaching advice that will change the way you look at your past, your parents, yourself, your emotions, triggers and behaviour, and your other half.
When I changed, my partner changed. Using what is in this book, in context to relationships, I realised that being the change myself allowed my partner to change themselves instead of reacting to me when I was reacting to her reaction to my reaction to her reaction to me. Still with me? Good. The point is this: When you learn how to “be” more present and understand what you are doing that is affecting the situation, and how you are allowing yourself to be affected and what to do about it, things start getting easier.
Here is part of the table of contents so you can see it’s not just a bunch of fluff. I don’t hold back:

And there’s more, including more chapters, a workbook with the exercises and questions from the book for easy reference, and I’ll be adding mini coaching guides on a variety of topics that you can also ask for! I want this to be easier for you to find answers, calm and a way forward that helps you and your partner have the relationship you both want.
You also get instant access to the STOP BE RAMPIT training video, which explains the foundation of the BE Elements and RAMPIT Framework. Watch it by yourself, or, to get the most out of this, watch it with your partner!
And you now also get a PDF showing how to apply all the Considerations from my first book, There’s a Reason For That, to relationships. That alone is worth $27!
I could talk about this all day, however I know the best way to explain this is in the ebook. Get the RAMP your Relationship ebook and all the bonuses for only $27 today.
Get the RAMP your Relationship ebook now!

Hi, I’m Nolan, an experienced trainer, dancer, massage therapist, oh, and an emotional regulation trainer, mentor and author. And I ride a motorbike with funky helmet covers to make kids (of all ages) smile!
In 2005, I hit rock bottom, losing it all and wasn’t self-aware enough to know why, and ended up living in a motel with my wife and kids. Fast forward to now, and life’s a whole different story – I travel with an amazing partner, run a growing business, and write books to help people like us navigate life’s ups and downs faster and easier. I’ve been there, through successes and setbacks, battling procrastination and feeling like an imposter as a business owner, partner and father, at times struggling to finish anything I started.
It all changed when I learned to let go and regulate my emotions, no matter what happened. I became less reactive, more responsive, calmer, more open to my partner and children’s needs, more productive, and more efficient.
Strangely enough, everyone around me seemed to change too. I stopped putting the responsibility on them to change or understand me and started learning about myself and making tiny changes to the way I perceived everything.
I’m all about sharing what I’ve learned so you can skip the endless self-help marathons and get straight to the good stuff – taking charge of your happiness and success. I’ve had the privilege of guiding thousands to brighter places in their lives as a trainer in different industries, and now, I’m focused on showing you the quickest, most effective way to leap from where you are to where you want to be. Let’s make this journey together, transforming those shifts and the shit into your greatest victories.